Monday, September 26, 2011

Luxuries of home

At this point in the semester I have realized things I have missed the most and truly appreciate back home. I'm mainly listing material things and some ideas. I won't do people because that list would get pretty lengthy. I don't mean to complain here either. This is just from some of the major differences I've noticed. I thought some of the things on this list might amuse some people.

toilet paper provided in stalls
hot water
clean water
easy internet access
laundry machines
power outage being an unusual event
customer service
an organized school system
no oburoni traps (***see bottom for explanation)
air conditioning
my bicycle
my banjo & harmonicas
Campus Crusade
dairy products
D.H Hill Library at NC State
sarcasm humor
That's what she said jokes
Dolly's Ice Cream
Cook Out
Camp Tekoa

***no oburoni traps- So in Ghana the sewage system is covered in some areas, but mostly it runs along the side of the road completely open. It's usually about a foot or two deep and and about a foot wide, just enough room for someone to fall in when trying to step across from the sidewalk to the road. The Twi word for white person is 'oburoni', and who else besides international students would not be use to the trenches along side the road? I luckily haven't fallen in one yet but plenty of my friends have, and they can scar you up pretty bad if you fall bad. Hence we have given them the name "oburoni traps", and it has definitely stuck.

1 comment:

  1. 1) Dolly's, Cookout, Camp Tekoa, toilet paper in the stalls....ditto.
    2) Of course you miss the library. :P
